Ive changed my babys name twice but still regret it

August 2024 · 3 minute read

Have you ever thought of a name for your child that you later realized was a mistake? 

When one mom welcomed her daughter into the world, she thought that the name they had decided was the perfect fit. 

Then a few days later, she started to regret her choice.

In a Reddit post, the woman explained that she and her husband decided on the name Louisa before their daughter was born. 

Announcing the news to family, her “husband was getting cold feet” about the name, which the new mom “went along with.”

They changed the name before signing the birth certificate. 

Instead, they opted for the name Lucia.

Now at three-and-a-half months old, the mom is facing another name regret. 

“I have been wavering on our second daughter’s name since she has been born,” she explained. “I just don’t love the sound of Lucia and fear saddling with the burden of correcting pronunciation.”

She hoped that the feeling of regret would disappear after a while, but it hasn’t been the case.

In fact, “it’s only gotten worse.” 

According to the mom, “it’s become an obsession,” and most of her waking moments are “spent regretting [her] choice.” 

Searching for something that “has a lot of meaning,” she now wants to name her daughter Juliette – a combination of her late mother’s name.

While she loves the name Juliette and wants to finalize her decision, she is afraid that her family will think she and her husband are “totally ridiculous” for changing the name for a third time. 

“It feels like a catch-22, and I’m going to be uncomfortable with either decision,” she confessed. 

Whether she chooses to leave the name as Lucia and “not love it” or change it and feel embarrassed with her friends and family, the mom fears “they will think we are treating our baby like an object.” 

She further explained that her husband is “totally supportive” of the name Juliette, but he was initially apprehensive about the choice. 

Another burden she faces is announcing the name change online. “Do I make a post on social media?” she asked the audience, stating that she feels “so exposed and embarrassed.” 

“A big part of me just wants to stick with her name and be done with it – it will grow into her once she develops a distinct personality,” she said.

“My husband thinks if the only thing stopping the change is fear of what other people may think, it’s something we should push through.”

Supporters on Reddit were sympathetic to the mom’s change of heart. “Parenting involves a lot of trial and error!” one person wrote. 

Others suggested to begin calling their daughter Juliette and “see how that fits and feels.” 

“If it feels right, then go through with the name change,” they added. 

Others told the mom to simply bite the bullet. “Just do it,” one person said. “Your daughter won’t know.”

“There’s no shame in it,” another added. “I think people will be less weirded out by it than you’d think.” 

“You and your husband have to live with the name, not other people, so don’t worry about what they think,” one supporter said. “Do what feels right to you and what makes you both happy.”

Others joked that the parents should “gaslight” their friends and family into thinking that Juliette has been the name the entire time. “Be delusional,” they laughed. 
