Biden calls Peter Doocy to 'clear the air' after insult

August 2024 · 2 minute read

President Biden reached out to Peter Doocy on Monday night and “cleared the air” after calling the Fox News White House correspondent a “stupid son of a bitch” an hour earlier.

Doocy told Fox News’ Sean Hannity that the president called him on his cellphone and told the reporter, “It’s nothing personal, pal” after the hot mic blunder in the White House East Room.

Doocy’s question “Do you think inflation is a political liability?” had President Biden riled up. AP

Asked if Biden issued an apology, Doocy said he doesn’t need one and that the president simply “cleared the air.”

“I appreciated it. We had a nice call,” Doocy said of the communication.

“I don’t need anybody to apologize to me,” Doocy told Hannity. “He can call me whatever he wants as long as it gets him talking.”

Peter Doocy says he doesn’t need an apology but he is ready to move forward. The Washington Post via Getty Im
After the incident, President Biden reached out to Doocy. Variety Media via Reuters

The president was caught delivering the insult when Doocy asked him about soaring inflation as the press was being led out of a related event.

“Do you think inflation is a political liability?” Doocy asked Biden.

“No, it’s a great asset — more inflation. What a stupid son of a bitch,” the president sneered.

The shocking remarks were cut from the White House video feed but were audible on video streamed by C-SPAN.
